OSTrails is a Horizon Europe Research and Innovation action project which aims to advance processes and instruments for Planning, Tracking, and Assessing scientific knowledge production beyond state-of-the art, working with various national and thematic contexts, improving existing infrastructure, and connecting key components.
The main aim of the project is to streamline FAIRness, interconnectivity and machine actionability across Planning, Tracking and Assessing research phases.
Collaboration with OSTrails is important for GraspOS to enhance FAIR principles implementation, share expertise in Open Science, and integrate infrastructure improvements.
Mutual benefits
By working with OSTrails, GraspOS gains access to advanced tools and methodologies for FAIR assessments and to track research outputs, contributing to responsible research assessment policies.
GraspOS contributes to this collaboration by providing expertise on responsible indicators, leveraging infrastructures like EOSC, and by co-developing interoperable solutions for FAIR and Open Science.
Expected outcomes: incorporate the OSTrails expertise for the data quality and coverage that enhance monitoring and rewarding Open Science practices, and establish integrated FAIR assessment mechanisms.