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Community of Practice on Open Science and Responsible Research Assessment

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More traditional, publication-driven assessments of research(ers) are running out of steam. Multiple initiatives are promoting responsible assessments of research and researchers. Simultaneously, a movement that incentivises open scientific practices is developing and gaining footing on European and national levels. These two movements have a unique opportunity to strengthen and reinforce one another. Research assessment reform can provide a big boost to the adoption of Open Science, and the transparency offered by Open Science can serve as a key enabler for assessment reform.

In bimonthly sessions, facilitated by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at Leiden University (NL), we ask: How can research assessment consider Open Science and vice versa? What does Open Science translate to in research practice?


22 January 2025, 10:00-11:00 CET

Monitoring Open Science at university level for research assessment 

The last decade has seen calls to reform research evaluation practices, and to make research results more accessible. Many institutions are reviewing their assessment practices, seeking to cover a wider array of activities. Simultaneously, the scientific community and other stakeholders are calling for the results of scientific research to be made widely available. In these ongoing series we have been discussing how research assessments can consider Open Science in a responsible way. This session will focus on how Open Science is monitored at the university level and how it relates to research assessment.

In this panel, Rita Morais, Biljana Kosanović, Ana Đorđević, and Nicolas Fressengeas will share with us different angles of this discussion.

Rita Morais is adviser for Research and Innovation at the European University Association (EUA), her main areas of activity cover research assessment, academic careers, and Open Science. Rita is part of the EUA team coordinating the CoARA Working Group on Reforming Academic Career Assessment.
Biljana Kosanović is an information specialist working at the University of Belgrade, her work focuses on Open Science policy and implementation. She is the OpenAIRE national coordinator for Serbia, and has also coordinated several groups and projects focused on implementing the Open Science strategy in Serbia both at national and institutional levels. 
Ana Đorđević is a librarian and institutional repository manager at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry. She is also a PhD candidate in Library and Information Science at the Faculty of Philology. Ana is particularly dedicated to advancing responsible research assessment and promoting Open Science initiatives in Serbia. She coordinates the pilot activities at the University of Belgrade - Faculty of Chemistry in the GraspOS project.
Nicolas Fressengeas is a professor at the University of Lorraine where he teaches physics, digital physics, computer science, university pedagogy and Open Science. He is also the Open Science officer of the University. He has been involved in the boards of the French national Open Science infrastructures, in French and European working groups on research assessment, and in the French national council on research integrity. He is also currently on the ORCID board.

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About the series

In bimonthly conversations, research funders, research managers, researchers and anyone interested in these topics come together to discuss the multiple ways in which research assessment considers Open Science. Our guests tell stories about issues, frustrations and the successes of research assessment in relation to Open Science. The goal of this community is to create a bouquet of stories of translation from which we can learn and draw inspiration for our own research assessments.


  • Understand how research assessments can consider Open Science in a responsible way, through the engagement of different epistemic communities (pilots). 
  • By June 2025, a written brief summarizing the learnings from the Community of Practice will be provided. In particular, it will include requirements for GraspOS tools and services in evaluating Open Science practices, and a collection of high-level insights on the challenges of putting Responsible Research Assessement into practice from the different communities involved.

Past sessions

13 November 2024In this panel discussion, Bianca Kramer, Thanasis Vergoulis and Janne Pölönen discussed the Barcelona Declaration roadmap from the perspective of the coordinators of the declaration, the GraspOS project, and the Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment (CoARA). The discussion focused on ways in which openness of research information can support and strengthen reform in research assessment practices. (71 participants) Access the materials

11 September 2024. In this session, Ioana Spanache, Science Policy and Research Assessment Expert at UEFISCDI, and Alina Irimia, Open Science projects coordinator at UEFISCDI, presented the roadmap for the GraspOS pilot focusing on the development of an Openness Researcher Profile to be implemented at national level. (30 participants) Access the materials.

10 July 2024. In this session, Odile Hologne, Head of the directorate for Open Science at INRAE, presented the Open Science policy and monitoring activities of the institution, along with its progress in integrating qualitative assessments and Open Science in research evaluation(12 participants) Access the materials.

15 May 2024. In this session, Anestis Amanatidis from Utrecht University provided a review of how Open Science values are assessed at various levels the organisation. Early insights were presented along with the challenges faced by universities in assessing Open Science. (39 participants) Access the materials.

20 March 2024. Laurent Romary, Director for Scientific Information and Culture at Inria, discussed the intersection of Open Science and Research Assessment in Computer Science. The focus was on the issue of research software and its identification in scholarly publication to improve the visibility of such assets in a researcher's profile. (29 participants) Access the materials. 

17 January 2024. Fotis Mystakopoulos from OPERAS reflected on the role Open Science can play in fostering a more inclusive research assessment process that prioritises quality over quantity in the Social Sciences and Humanities. (48 participants) Access the materials.

18 October 2023. Ludo Waltman from CWTS discussed the complexities that he has already encountered at the interface of responsible research assessment and Open Science. (45 participants) Access the materials.

For any questions regarding the Community of Practice, please reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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